Jan Willem Nelleke


Drop me a message if you are interested in anything...

Contrapunctus a 4 (1984)

Fugue in traditional style

Sieben unernste Gesänge (1994)

7 Songs on texts by Joachim Ringelnatz, for voice and piano (in German)
1. Überall
2. Im Park
3. Logik
4. Die Schnupftabaksdose
5. Arm Kräutchen
6. Gedicht in Bi-Sprache
7. Drei Kindergebetchen


Die Haselsträuche (1997)

Duet for 2 voices and piano, text by Christian Felix Weisse (in German)

Toccata (1997)

for violin and piano

Römische Elegien (1999)

4 Songs on texts by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, for baritone and piano (in German)
1. Froh empfind' ich mich nun...
2. Wenn du mir sagst...
3. Kannst du, o Grausamer...
4. Herbstlich leuchtet die Flamme...

Burning Genius (1999)

for voice and piano, text by Brian Patten

Stack Overflow (2001)

2 versions:
a. for flute and piano
b. for violin and piano

Le Tombeau de Bilitis (2002)

3 Songs on texts by Pierre Louÿs, for mezzo soprano and piano (in French)
1. Première Epitaphe
2. Seconde Epitaphe
3. Dernière Epitaphe

Ophelia songs (2002)

on texts by William Shakespeare
2 versions:
1. mezzo soprano, alto flute and piano
2. soprano, viola and piano
1. Poor Ophelia, divided from herself...
2. How should I your true love know
3. Tomorrow is Saint Valentine's day
4. They bore him barefaced on the bier
5. When down she fell in the weeping brook...

Duo (2004)

for flute and piano
1. Obsession
2. Serenity
3. Meditation
4. Momentum

His face was charged with beauty... (2004)

4 Songs on texts by Wilfred Owen, for voice and ensemble (oboe, clarinet/bass clarinet, bassoon, cornet, violin, cello, piano, percussion)
1. Sonnet to a Child
2. Storm
3. Song of Songs
4. Music

The Mechanics of Creation (2004)

for piano solo

Trouvères (2004)

Hommage à Raïmbaut de Vaqueiras, for flute/piccolo and percussion
1. Estampie
2. Planh
3. Rotrouenge

EVE (2006)

2 versions:
a. for flute/alto flute, viola, horn and harp
b. for flute/alto flute, viola, horn and piano

Fool's paradise (2006)

3 Songs on texts by Thomas Hardy, for voice and harmonium
1. At a Country Fair
2. The Phantom Horsewoman
3. The Choirmaster's Burial

Lureley's Delight (2006)

for solo flute and flute ensemble (8 flutes or 8-part flute choir)
video: Philippa Davies with students of the Guildhall School for Music and Dance

Beyond the stars (2007)

3 Pieces for solo flute
1. Cruithne video: Philippa Davies
2. Stellar Crystal video: Philippa Davies
3. Funky Quasar video: Philippa Davies

Cantos de Guerra (2007)

after anonymous 16th century songs, for voice, harmonium and percussion (in Spanish)
1. A las armas moriscotes
2. Paséabase el rey moro
3. Sobre Baza estaba el Rey
4. Ay, luna que reluces
5. Romance del rey moro que perdió Valencia

Satires of Circumstance (2007)

5 Songs on texts by Thomas Hardy, for voice and piano
1. A Thunderstorm in Town
2. By her Aunt's Grave
3. Neutral Tones
4. The Choirmaster's Burial
5. The man he killed

Three Japanese Songs

after traditional texts and melodies, for choir divisible up to 8 parts: SSAATT BB (in Japanese)
Set 1 (2009)
1. Gondola No Uta
2. Shikararete
3. Hamachidori
Set 2 (2010)
4. Otemayan
5. Yashinomi
6. Shabondama
video: Yashinomi by Chor Meise
video: Shabondama by Chor Meise

On the beaten track (2011)

for viola and piano
1. On the beaten track
2. A Cat called Mouse
3. She sat like patience on a monument
4. Klompers Glemetz

Variations on an Imaginary Theme (2011)

for solo instrument (flute or violin) and accompaniment (piano, harp, fortepiano)
video: Philippa Davies - flute, Jan Willlem Nelleke - piano

In de Biesbosch (2012)

4 Songs on texts by Wim Jilleba (in Dutch)
2 versions:
a. for choir (SATB) and piano
b. for solo voice and piano
1. Waterjuffer
2. Koor in de Elzen
3. De oorsprong
4. Jezelf tegenkomen

Ik heb de zwanen vaak benijd (2014)

for medium voice and piano, text after Theo van Baaren (in Dutch)

Rarekiek der vrolyke Hollanders (2015)

5 naughty songs for baritone and piano, on 18th century texts (in Dutch)
1. Raadzel
2. Aan Lotje
3. De beslissing
4. De dubbele melking
5. De zieke minnaar
video: De zieke minnaar by Igor Bogaert - baritone and Jan Willem Nelleke - piano

Crépuscule à Cubertou (2015)

for 4-8 (or more) flutes

The Lobster Quadrille (2015)

from 'Alice in Wonderland' by Lewis Carroll, for 2 voices, flute and piano
video: Inga Schneider, Frans Huijts, Philippa Davies and Jan Willem Nelleke

De Schoone Wereld (2017)

for 2 voices and piano, text by Albert Verwey (in Dutch)

Gedichte gedachten (2021)

7 Songs on poems by Jan Terlouw (in Dutch)
1. Collectief
2. Cursus
3. Verkeersdode (Voor en na)
4. Taal
5. Dat jij het bent geworden
6. Schaduw
7. Lente


Arid (2022)

for orchestra

Le cortège d'Orphée (2023)

6 Songs on poems by Guillaume Apollinaire for voice, flute, clarinet, bassoon, and string quartet (in French)
1. Orphée
2. La chèvre du Tibet
3. Le dromadaire
4. Le lion
5. L'éléphant
6. Le serpent
